Customization of Panel Furniture Equipment

Guided by market demands, providing better services to end customers in terms of personalized design, environmental standards, and efficient customization.
We offer thoughtful, convenient, and professional production line services, including whole plant planning, equipment customization, maintenance and upgrades, and consulting.
  • Whole Plant Planning

  • Equipment Customization

  • Maintenance and Upgrades

  • Consulting and Answers

Front-end Design>Optimization Solutions>Production Management>Quality Testing>Delivery and Installation

HOLD Panel Furniture Customization System

Customer Demand Analysis

We analyze and understand customer requirements based on market positioning, product positioning, and production capacity positioning, establishing data support to develop optimal solutions.

On-Site Data Analysis

Based on customer requirements, we customize production workshop configurations from workshop zoning, equipment layout, to personnel deployment.

Production Management Solutions

HOLD assists in setting up factory facilities with professional advice on electrical layout compliant with production standards, raw material preparation, custom matching, material handling, and dust treatment.

Demand Results Testing

HOLD integrates customer demand analysis results to establish customized processing test centers, monitoring product processing effects in real-time to ensure consistent high quality of customer products.